The television show Gilmore Girls is brilliant. It ran for seven
seasons from 2000-2007, and chronicles the high school and college experiences
of Rory Gilmore and her mother Lorelai.
What makes this show so entertaining is the witty dialogue, the fast paced
story lines, the clever comments, and the never ending references to music,
television, news, and movies.
There is a reason why I brought the entire series of Gilmore Girls with
me to China...
Gilmore Girls kept me sane while I had to spend hours and hours grading
papers during my student teaching experience. Gilmore Girls kept me entertained
during the summer when I had nothing else to do. Gilmore Girls taught me
memorable life lessons in extremely funny ways.
Now, Gilmore Girls is saving me again. Not only does this show remind
me of my time spent back at BYU, but the characters are familiar and make me
feel a little less homesick.
There is a scene where two of the main characters are discussing life
challenges. Lorelai is thinking about opening her own business, and Luke is
telling her about his experience opening his own restaurant.
“I couldn't stay where I am if I wanted.” -Lorelai
“You’re just scared. Just like everybody else when they’re taking on
something big.” -Luke
“Well then, what does everybody else do to get through this feeling?” -Lorelai
“They run in the back, throw up, pass out, then smack their head on the
floor. It’s what I did on the first morning I opened the diner. Look, there’s
no button to push to get you through this. You’ve just got to jump in and be
scared and stick with it until it gets fun.” -Luke
“How long until the diner got fun?” -Lorelai
“About a year." -Luke
I think that I need to take Luke’s advice. It will be hard, but
eventually it will get fun. Although, I hope this gets fun sooner than a year,
because in a year I will already be back home.
Oy, with the poodles already…
I love this post. So much. Words can't describe. Who knew Luke was giving such great advice! Hang in there. Go buy yourself a tube of Vicious Trollop.