Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Tour of #7

The campus of School #7 is big. 
So big that even after being here for two months, I am still discovering new things on campus. 

There are many trees and flowers here. 
They really make an effort to make the campus look good. 
Sure, the buildings may be falling apart (even though they are only 8 years old), 
but the gardens sure look nice!
Sometimes the trees are so tall and dense that I forget there is a five-story dormitory behind them. 

Most of the trees have branches that really need to be cut. 
Some of the branches have gotten really long and are so full of leaves that they are 
coming dangerously close to the ground. 
They are still high enough for all of the short Chinese students to walk under.
But, if I'm not paying attention to where I am walking, I can easily find myself walking into a tree branch and end up with a mouth full of spiders.
Every day during my lunch break I go walking along this covered path. 
Sure, there are many spiders that like to hang down from the rafters, but it's still a really nice walk. 
Last week I discovered that there is a large pond/small lake on the corner of campus. 
The water looks gross, but I did see some fish in it. 
With so many little kids running around unaccompanied, I'm surprised that there wasn't some sort of fence surrounding the water. 
These faces are at the front of the school. 
I'm not sure what there purpose is, but I couldn't pass up the chance to take a picture of them. 
There are many signs all over campus that have a very poor English translation under the Chinese text. 
However, this one isn't too bad. 
This is Ivy.
She is one of my coworkers. 
Her English is very good, and she helps me in my class whenever my students get a little too rambunctious, or when they take a test and I need to make sure that no one is going to cheat. 
This is Bonnie. Her English isn't as good as Ivy's, but I can still understand her. 
She hates working at the school, and often talks about how much she dislikes her husband and how she wishes she hadn't married him. 
This is the side gate to the school. 
Students have to have a special pass to get past the guards. 

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