Monday, October 8, 2012

What I Saw Today

I carry my iPhone around with me everywhere. Not that I use it as a phone (because once I got here I bought a super cheap Chinese phone), I just use it as an iPod and a camera. I take a photo of my cafeteria lunch every day, so that when this whole experience in China is over, I can look at all of the crazy food I ate. It is also handy to have a camera with me at all times just in case I see something that I want to take a photo of to post on this blog later.

However, today I forgot my phone. I thought it wouldn't matter. After all, what are the odds that I would see something worth posting on my blog anyways?

Yeah. I really should have had my camera today...

On my way back to my office from the cafeteria, I saw something out of the corner of my eye that stopped me dead in my tracks. From out of nowhere came a huge fluffy white rabbit. It was sitting near a bush next to the sidewalk nibbling on some grass. I got so close to it that, had I wanted to, I could have touched it. This rabbit must be incredibly used to people because it never moved from its grassy spot, not matter how close I came to it.

Then, once the school day was over and I was walking out towards the back gate to be picked up by my driver, I saw two more rabbits. I almost kicked myself for not having my camera.

At the same moment I saw the rabbits, all of the elementary school students were outside completing their required exercises for the day. I wish I had a photo to help show what they were doing. Essentially, there was line after line of students doing jumping jacks, yelling, cheering, and kickboxing, all in unison. Since the students were all in uniform, they looked like a little army.

Yep, photos would have been nice.
I agree.

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