Thursday, October 4, 2012

Shocking Public Restroom Story #2

This is amazing.
No, really. It is.
I'm not sure you are able to grasp how truly spectacular the photo above is. 

I have said, in the past, that it is difficult to find a western toilet while I'm out and about in town. 
This is still true.
When I find a pedestal toilet, I silently rejoice and throw a little party in my head. 

I took this photo in a restroom in a popular shopping mall. 
Yes, it has a sink. 
But that's not why I'm excited. 
Luckily, I have yet to find a restroom without a sink. 

"What's so different about this restroom?" You find yourself asking...
Let me tell you.

1) The faucet is a motion sensor, meaning I didn't have to touch a dirty, nasty faucet.
2) There is soap!!! Yep, this is the first time I've seen soap in ANY restroom in China.
3) There is an hand dryer. Other restrooms don't even have paper towels, so this is quite shocking. 

Yes, I have found myself, yet again, rejoicing over the wonders of a public restroom. 

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