Monday, October 1, 2012

Games at the Consulate

A few families from church who work for the Consulate invited us to play games on Monday.
We took the car into town, and drove to a very normal looking building. Sure, there was a high wall surrounding the building and there were guards at each corner, but that is not unusual. Most buildings here have guards posted outside.
What I’m trying to say is that I never would have guessed that it was the American Consulate.

I had to show my passport to get in, and then we needed someone to be our escort and show us where to go.
 There is a large multi-purpose room where everyone was.
Each family had brought numerous games to play, so we had our pick of some really fun ones.
 I ended up playing Cargo Noir. Surprisingly, it was a lot of fun. It is difficult to explain exactly how it works…but essentially you send boats to different ports to bid on cargo. Once you get the cargo you trade it in for cards to get points.
They then ordered pizza for lunch, and we ended up with Papa John’s. I was not aware that Papa John’s existed in China!
Anyways, it was fun. I really enjoyed talking with some of the women from church, and playing some board games. 

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