Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day was a few weeks ago...I just forgot to write about it. 

China celebrates Teacher's Day by giving all of the students a day off of school. 
Instead of going home on Saturday afternoon, they can return home Friday afternoon. 

On this particular Friday, all teachers were expected to work in the morning, and then were allowed to leave after lunch. 

However, lunch on this day was special. 
Well, they say "special. 
I say "different."

Normally for lunch we have three different options for lunch. 
The three options rotate depending on the day of the week. 

But not for Teacher's Day. 
Instead, we had all ten different options. 
Can you say SCORE??

Yeah...Nope. Not really. It wasn't all that great.

The strangest thing was that on each table there were bottles of beer for the teachers to drink. 
There was no water available. Just beer.
It is only after writing this right now that I realize how strange it was to provide the staff of a school alcohol...

This is what I had on my tray once I sat down. I decided that I needed to be brave and try everything. 
Sure, some of the vegetables are recognizable, but most of the meat isn't. 
I'm pretty sure I ate less than 10% of what was on my tray. 

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